Durante años, cada Cinco de Mayo he querido hacer un post como este, pero cuando lo planeaba, ya era demasiado tarde. Afortunadamente este año he podido hacerlo con tiempo y con la ayuda de algunos miembros del F.O.A.M, les presento el primer post del Aquaman Shrine ¡totalmente en español!
Así es que para hoy, pensé en hablar acerca de un comic de Aquaman presentado en Relatos Fabulosos, una antología que duró de 1959 a 1975. Este tomo reimprime el Aquaman #41, presentando la historia titulada "La Pista del Anillo" por el legendario equipo de Steve Skeates, Jim Aparo y Dick Giordano:

De cualquier modo, como usualmente con estas ediciones extranjeras de comics Americanos no hay mucho que decir del material (además, el Shrine todavía tiene que hacer un perfil de este número en particular de la serie original de Aquaman), ya que es una reimpresión de otro libro.
No, lo que usualmente encuentro tan fascinante es el material original de este libro, en este caso los anuncios de la editorial. Hay unos bastante comunes, pero éste realmente me llamó la atención:

Después de esto viene la segunda parte de la historia, que contiene una imagen de dos páginas dibujada por Aparo y consiste en una composición de tomas heroicas de Aquaman en acción.

Posteriormente en la historia, Aquaman es capturado por 2 tipos que parecen matones y el Rey del Mar espera el momento perfecto para atacar:

Aquaman escapa, por supuesto, pelea con el mounstro morado gigante y parte en su bravío caballo de mar:

En fin, este número obviamente tenía un par de páginas extras, así que los editores agregaron una pequeña secuencia de tres páginas, que no tienen nada que ver con Aquaman:

La traducción de Inglés –Español de hoy fue hecha por tres miembros del F.O.A.M., un miembro establecido—Jay Hernandez—y dos nuevos reclutas, Luis Felipe Infante Venegas y Carlos Mucha!
¡Gracias por la ayuda muchachos, bienvenidos al F.O.A.M. y Feliz Cinco de Mayo!
Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone!
I've been wanting to do a post like this every May 5 for the past few years, but I kept forgetting to plan for it before it was too late. Luckily this year I got my act together in time, and with the assistance of some very helpful F.O.A.M. members, I present The Aquaman Shrine's first post entirely en español!
So for today I thought we'd talk about an Aquaman-centric issue of Relatos Fabulosos, an anthology title that ran from 1959-1975. This issue reprints Aquaman #41, featuring the story "The Trail of the Ring" by the legendary team of Steve Skeates, Jim Aparo, and Dick Giordano:
Dig those credits! I love that the writer, Steve Skeates, is credited as "Argumento." I dunno, from what I've seen Steve's a very agreeable guy!
Anyway, as usual with these foreign editions of American comics, there's not a whole lot to say about the material (also the Shrine has yet to profile this particular issue of the original Aquaman series), since its a reprint of another book.
No, what I usually find so fascinating is the material original to the book, in this case the house ads. There's some fairly generic ones, but this ad really caught my eye:
Travesuras A Go-Go! Who wouldn't buy a comic book with a title like that?
After this is Part 2 of the story, featuring a great double-page spread by Aparo composed of big, heroic shots of Aquaman in action:
Good to know that "Aarrgh!" is the same in every language!
Later on in the story, Aquaman is apprehended by two henchmen-type guys, and the Sea King waits for the right moment to strike:
...I have no idea what Aquaman is exclaiming in the above left panel, but I know I like "Pum!" a lot better.
Aquaman escapes of course, fights off the big purple monster, and takes off on his sea horse steed:
Is it me, or this ad for Porky Pig just sort of terrifying? I mean, I've seen Grizzly Man.
Anyway, this issue obviously had a couple of extra pages, so the editors slotted in a little three page sequence, which is about as different as Aquaman as possible:
There's some more ads, for some non-DC comics, which to me is kinda confusing. But of course that's also what makes seeing these old books so fascinating.
Today's English-to-Spanish translation is the work of three F.O.A.M. members, one previous member--Jay Hernandez--and two new recruits, Luis Felipe Infante Venegas, and Carlos Mucha!
Thanks for the help guys, welcome to F.O.A.M, and Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Nice job, Rob! If you ever need a post in Japanese, just let me know. :-)
Great post Rob, if you need any more help from a spanish speaker, just let me know!
Hugs from Chile,
Russell--Thanks, that's a cool idea. I like the idea of the Shrine in different languages...
Sergio--Glad you liked it, thanks! And thanks to the FOAMers who helped with (read: did) the translation!
That brings back some memories for sure! I was not familiar with the "Relatos Fabulosos" title but I was very familiar with the EN (Editorial Novaro) editorial which published spanish language versions of DC Comics during the 70's and 80's. In fact, many of the comics reviewed here on the Shrine I had originally read in these spanish EN books. Great post!
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