Woo! Hot off the press are four(!) Aquaman sketches done just today--Free Comic Book Day--obtained and sent to me F.O.A.M.er Dennis Doucette.
The sketches are by, respectively, Brandon Peterson, Jimmy Palmiotti, Jim Cheung, and Wayne Cordova, who took a slightly different tack on the character.
This is a great haul of Aqua-Goodness for just one day, and if anyone else out there picks some up Aqua-Sketches for FCBD, please send 'em in!
Way cool stuff, thanks Dennis!
The sketches are by, respectively, Brandon Peterson, Jimmy Palmiotti, Jim Cheung, and Wayne Cordova, who took a slightly different tack on the character.
This is a great haul of Aqua-Goodness for just one day, and if anyone else out there picks some up Aqua-Sketches for FCBD, please send 'em in!
Way cool stuff, thanks Dennis!
That is awesome stuff! While Cheung's is my pick of the bunch, Cordova's actually made me laugh so that gets the points for originality!
the first and the last one made me chuckle :)
Brandon Peterson wins. A happy Aquaman for a brighter future. Palmiotti was surprisingly strong. Cheung left me cold, and my sense of humor is Vulcan. A great haul, but man, that Peterson is it.
Very, very impressive sketches. I agree that Peterson's is my personal favorite of those three, but they're all terrific. I know Jimmy Palmiotti spoke of pitching an Aquaman book a couple years ago. I wonder what his take on the character would be.
Sadly, by the time I made it to FCBD, all the artists had gone home. But I did score a cool old issue of Adventure Comics #449 with Aquaman on the cover, being attacked by a whale. So, not a total loss.
Great! And fast service! :)
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