This issue opens a year in the past, with a familiar...er, face:

The Dweller shows Arthur a map of the seas, to give him an idea of where they've been, and where they're going. The Dweller tells him that they will follow the sea's currents, looking to help those who need it.
They eventually find their way to a small village, and meet some of its citizens, creatures named the Sharaia. They are unsure of this young man who calls himself Aquaman ("A new Aquaman? I do not like the sound of that"), but the Dweller reassures them.
The Sharaia tell them what is plaguing them--a monster of no fixed form or shape, but who comes and takes anyone it can find--young, old, men, women. They know where it comes from, and they take our heroes there:
They eventually find their way to a small village, and meet some of its citizens, creatures named the Sharaia. They are unsure of this young man who calls himself Aquaman ("A new Aquaman? I do not like the sound of that"), but the Dweller reassures them.
The Sharaia tell them what is plaguing them--a monster of no fixed form or shape, but who comes and takes anyone it can find--young, old, men, women. They know where it comes from, and they take our heroes there:

That night, back in the village, one of the Sharaia talks to Arthur privately, asking him to please help find her mother and brother, who were both taken by the creature. Arthur promises to do his best.
On the trip back to the monster's lair, Arthur seems troubled, and the Dweller asks him why. Arthur reveals this situation reminds him of when he was a child, and he promised a young girl that he would rescue her father, trapped in a bathysphere after a big storm.
But when Arthur made it to the bathysphere, he found the young girl's father dead, crushed when the hull buckled. Feeling awful for promising something he couldn't deliver, he never forgot that moment.
As Arthur and the Dweller talk, they don't notice a creature reach out and snatch King Shark. They arrive at the chasm where they believe the creature is:

On the trip back to the monster's lair, Arthur seems troubled, and the Dweller asks him why. Arthur reveals this situation reminds him of when he was a child, and he promised a young girl that he would rescue her father, trapped in a bathysphere after a big storm.
But when Arthur made it to the bathysphere, he found the young girl's father dead, crushed when the hull buckled. Feeling awful for promising something he couldn't deliver, he never forgot that moment.
As Arthur and the Dweller talk, they don't notice a creature reach out and snatch King Shark. They arrive at the chasm where they believe the creature is:

...to be concluded!
After tangling with Ocean Master, Aquaman fans would have every right to expect Black Manta would be the next Classic Aquaman villain to show up, but Busiek throws us a (slight) curveball by making it the Fisherman--and a seemingly tougher version, at that.
When I said last issue was Butch Guice's last on the book, that wasn't quite true--he did this issue's excellent cover, as he would for the next one.
After tangling with Ocean Master, Aquaman fans would have every right to expect Black Manta would be the next Classic Aquaman villain to show up, but Busiek throws us a (slight) curveball by making it the Fisherman--and a seemingly tougher version, at that.
When I said last issue was Butch Guice's last on the book, that wasn't quite true--he did this issue's excellent cover, as he would for the next one.
You know, I love the beautiful artwork in the Sword of Atlantis series, I really do.
...but the whole story?! It's the only series where I've felt the need for a notepad and pen. I found it very complicated, which reduced my overall enjoyment of it. Am I the odd one out with those thoughts? (probably!)
I actually enjoyed this twist on the Fisherman. I felt that it really explained that goofy helmet in a very creative way. If this were to be explored further I think that it could make a "goofy" villain that much cooler.
The stories were a bit complex, but that's what I liked about this run. If the story is too simple, my mind drifts too much.
I'm not sure how I feel about Fisherman's helmet/hood being an alien, but on the other hand, there should be some explanation for that ridiculous design.
Hopefully he'll get some love and respect and general exposure during or after Brightest Day.
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