In this case, it was a double-win(?), because this Comic-Pac features Super Friends #5 inside (along with Isis #5), and there's Aquaman right there on the cover.
The Comic-Pacs (which you can read more about via Mark Evanier's blog) were a bizarre experiment in comics retailing that no one seemed to like. But of course now they command huge prices from sellers because, if any item hangs around long enough, eventually some sub-group of people will spring up to start collecting it (which includes me--this is not the only Comic-Pac I own!).
I don't own a copy of Super Friends #5, and in a way I still don't--I can't bear to tear this bag open, so if I want to read the book, I guess I'll have to buy another copy...
I remember these fondly. I LOVED these as a kid as I always seemed to have gotten one or more while on a family vacation.
That being said, htmlcomics.com might have an issue that you can read. If you haven't checked out that site, it's REALLY cool!
I used to like these when I was a kid, cause I would get two or three comics for a decent price, and with a tiny allowance, it had to last! I would always look for packs that had like Justice League, Adventure Comics or Superman Family or Batman Family.
You also got to try things sometimes that you wouldn't have otherwise bought!
I loved these too! I think a couple of issues of Super Friends in my collection came from them, as they had a special logo on them. And I also remember getting them a lot on vacations, as well!
Pacs were actually used this way (first? dunno...) in the '60's by King Comics.
The Phantom, Mandrake, Popeye, etc.
-Craig W.
I bought some comics in packs as well back in my childhood. There were three to a pack and were always DC comics. By the way, I'm lucky enough to have the entire 8 issue run of ISIS which I bought from Ebay a couple of years ago.
I loved these as a kid, but it was tricky finding a "good" one. I got my set of the three-issue Raiders of the Lost Ark adaptation in one of those, and exposed to a lot of unfamiliar comics. For instance, until Meet Misty, it was the only way I could get girl comics like Wonder Woman (good) and Dazzler (very bad.)
Also, they're selling three packs like these at Family Dollar for $2.50. They're all Marvel, and mostly either the reprint comics usually packaged with action figures, or alternate versions of entry level books like Wolverine: First Class and the Marvel Adventures titles.
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