The link to this and a bunch of other stuff was sent to me by our newest F.O.A.M. member, Dene Larson. Thanks for all the links, Dene, and welcome to F.O.A.M.!
Speaking of Mego-like customs, F.O.A.M.er Mark Sauter (who made me this awesome custom Black Manta Mego doll, complete with blister card) finally started a blog showing off his superb custom work, called Markneto's Mightiest Mego Super-Customs.
The Shrine suggests anyone with an interest in Megos, action figures, or just plain good work take a look at Mark's stuff. In addition, I think Mark has what is probably the first ever Mego custom of an Atlas Comics character. Truly amazing stuff!
Those look great. I like the rubbery/glossy sheen on Black Manta.
I agree. Why couldn't I have had all these guys on the toy shelves when I was 8 years old?
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