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Sunday, March 21, 2010

More Fun Comics #101 - Jan. 1945

Comics Weekend "Orphans of the Sea!" by Joe Samachson and Louis Cazeneuve.

More fun with More Fun!

Aquaman takes on a "case" a little closer to home this time, helping out an old friend:
Aquaman rescues the two crooks and their prospective pigeon, and tows them all back to shore. Mr. Scatterbee, terrified by the giant sea creatures that hang around, calls off the deal.

The two crooks decide to go back out on a boat and shoot at the harmless fish, which Aquaman takes notice of:
...and so, Pete and his underwater pals are safe, thanks to Aquaman!

I think my favorite moment of the story is Aquaman tipping the entire house over just to get the better of the two crooks. Talk about throwing the baby out with the bath water...

Other than Aquaman's debut in More Fun Comics #73, this story is the only other Aquaman adventure that's available in reprint from. The entire issue--historic for its debut of Superboy--was released in 1999 as part of DC's "Millennium" reprint series. Interesting that the cover makes no mention of the Superboy feature, which leads me to think it was a last minute addition.

Its also a very early indicator of how DC's superhero comics were selling at this time: More Fun, which for years consisted entirely of what we now think of as "B" characters (Aquaman, Green Arrow, Johnny Quick, The Spectre), starts to feature a Superman-themed strip.


IADW said...

This is such a great resource, for both yourself and the Shrine Rob! It's a blast looking back at these early adventures.

The best line though again goes to Aquaman; 'It's quite a while since I've played games... but I'd like to sock your puss in this corner!'

Bribaby said...

These are a lot of fun; thanks so much for making them available.

My fave moment is at the very end, when Pete goes swimming in his work clothes. But I also have to wonder ... did no one know what an octopus looked like back then?

Josh Hill said...

love the art here. extra moody and dark.