Q: Are there any other heroes you want to direct films about?
MONTGOMERY: Well, I would be more than happy to direct any film with a female character in it, just because it's so rare that we get to deal with female characters in this animation and action genre. That being said, I'm also a big fan of Aquaman (laughs). I know he's pretty low on the totem pole, but he's been a favorite of mine, so I'd love to do a film with him.
Q: He's only low on the totem pole because nobody's told the right story with him.
MONTGOMERY: That's very true. I think there's a little untapped potential there. He's got the WHOLE OCEAN.
Q: We see in each one of these movies a slightly take on the characters from the TV series. But, with Aquaman particularly, there are two very different Aquamen with Brave and the Bold and Justice League. Which one would you lean more towards?
MONTGOMERY: I am a big fan of the original Aquaman design. I know he's dorky, but I like the orange shirt and I like blond hair. I don't want to explore the hokey Aquaman. I'd like to give him a serious story, just with his original design. If that's possible.
These quotes come from a different interview with she did with ToonZone, which you can find here. Thanks to the editors of ToonZone for sending me the link!
I find it interesting that many of the people who work in Warner Animation seem to be huge fans of Aquaman, and see nothing but untapped potential in him, while the editors of DC Comics hardly miss a chance to run the character down. What's wrong with this picture?
I've talked with many DC writers and editors, and everyone says the same thing. Aquaman is a great character with incredible untapped potential, but the instant someone tries to go somewhere with that potential, the audience drops the book. Aquaman just doesn't sell. He's incredibly popular with people who have ideas, but it's nearly impossible for him to carry a book.
I still believe you can sell Aquaman. I think the problem is that you need a strong creative team behind him. And when I say strong, I mean they have to be popular as well as solid creators. The audience has to believe that DC has total faith in the character, and that they aren't just sticking whomever jumped at it first on the book. When Peter David wrote Aquaman, it was very popular because he was also a popular writer. The other creators that have followed have been popular enough in their own right, but none of them are on the level that Peter David was at the time. Seriously, I know this is the go to choice for just about every DC character nowadays, but if they truly want Aquaman to sell and succeed, they gotta get Geoff Johns to write it. At least for the first twenty or so issues.
I think part of it isn't just giving him his own book but rather having that undercurrent (no pun intended) of Aquaman's level of respect, including aspects of his territory used across the DC line.
When an Aqua book gets up and running it gets pretty solitary, which seams to be an environment few solo books can hold onto.
I'm not saying make him a Wolverine, or Deadpool, but atleast if people see the DCU taking the Aqua mythos seriously they'll have more faith and respect in the longevity of the title.
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