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Thursday, December 24, 2009

AquaSketch #4 by Neil Vokes - 2009

Its that time of year again--just minutes ago I got back from the annual Midnight Madness sale at my LCS All Things Fun, and once again I got a superb, killer sketch by artist Neil Vokes. I held off today's post so I could put this up within a few hours of getting it.

Having previously done sketches of Aquaman, Mera, and Black Manta for me, I decided to give Neil his choice of AquaFamily member to illustrate, from a list consisting of Aqualad, Aquagirl, and Dolphin. He chose Dolphin, and as you can see he knocked it out of the park--again! I love Neil's combo of thin, sharp ink lines and soft wash tones (which this scan doesn't do full justice to)--its creates a really distinctive look, cartoony yet real.

Ed and Dee Evans of ATF have really created something special--at All Things Fun in general, but at their yearly Midnight Madness sale in specific. Not being a Christmassy kind of guy, I kind of grumble and hunker down through the holiday season, eagerly anticipating the new year and the eventual start of Spring.

But these yearly Xmas sales events are always a blast, and its great that Neil (and others) make the effort to show up every year. Its probably my favorite event of the season, so thanks to Ed, Dee, and Neil!

Related posts:
Aquaman by Neil Vokes
Mera by Neil Vokes
Black Manta by Neil Vokes


Josh Hill said...

that's gorgeous! congrats, and Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

It's a hard thing to express, when you go into ATF! every week and talk to Ed and Dina all the time, what a truly amazing store they have created down there. It's unique and special among comics and gaming stores. We're lucky to have them.

Yeah, Glenn's getting sappy and sentimental cuz of the holidays. I just hate taking some things for granted, especially when they are so great. And yeah, I feel the same way about Rob, the Shrine (and his other blogs) and all of you folks who participate too.

Happy Holidays, everyone!