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Friday, September 25, 2009

Sergio Martinez's Aquaman Shrine

Behold...F.O.A.M. member Sergio Martinez's Aquaman Shrine!

We haven't run photos of anyone's personal Aqua-Shrine in a while, and its one of my favorite features: I love seeing other people's collections.

I like the Aquaman figures sort of standing guard over the various comics, and the framed Jim Aparo shot from a DC Comics calendar...but of course my favorite piece is Sergio's framed F.O.A.M. certificate!

Nice work, Sergio, and thanks for sharing!


Wings1295 said...

That is one of the sweetest Shrines so far! Very nice, indeed!

Tim VO said...

That really is a nice shrine, I like it. Nothing against any of the others, this just strikes me as particularly well done. Simple, clean, uncluttered, elegant.

Andy Luckett said...

Wow, I'm very impressed! Love the interplay of the figures and the comics. Nice job, Sergio!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, guys. If you want to see bigger resolutions of the pictures of my shrine, as well as a few more shots you could check out my very small Collection Thread here:

- Sergio