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Monday, July 13, 2009

Meet Orin

This handsome young Aqua-Fan is named Orin Brock, whose father Shawn wrote me one day last week and told me he and his wife actually named their son after Aquaman, and he was wondering, would that be enough to get him into F.O.A.M.?

Um, yeah!

Here's what Shawn had to say about how his son got named after the King of the Seven Seas:

"When my wife and I were discussing baby names, we were having difficulty agreeing on a name. Orin was a name I had been thinking about for a while, but wasn't sure how to approach with her. I decided to suggest it, and she liked it immediately. Deciding she needed to hear it from me rather than read it somewhere or hear from someone else, as soon as she said she liked it I told her where it came from.

I've been a huge Aquaman fan for as long as I can remember (I'm 41, so that's a long time), and knowing that and how big a fan I am, she readily agreed to the name.

And now, I have my own tribute to my favorite superhero (and an amazingly cool son too!) He is 4 now, and is a big fan and loves watching Aquaman in cartoons. Obviously I've worked hard to make him a fan, and it seems to be taking so far!"

What can I say? Honestly, this makes me all mushy inside when I hear a story about a young Aquaman fan such as this. Orin looks like a cool little guy, and he's got some way-cool parents!

I'm so blown away by this that I'm inducting the entire Brock Family into F.O.A.M., for dedication above and beyond the call! Welcome to F.O.A.M., Brock Family!


Wings1295 said...

Wow! Now that has us ALL beat!

Great name and a very cute kid. Aquaman himself would be proud!

Plaidstallions said...

Yeah, that kind of makes you a FOAM legacy, wow.

Doug said...


I just got a little weepy. . .

chunky B said...

That is awesome! I would say they are the king of all FOAM members!

Neal Snow said...

Ditto. Great name for an obviously great kid.

Luis said...

That kid just instantly became cool in my book. Great name Orin!

Randy said...

It makes me wonder now if there is anyone out there named Arthur Curry? Anyone with that name could be a shoo-in as a FOAMer.

Russell said...

Does it help that I almost named my daughter Mera? No? Oh, well. (shrugs) Way to go, Brock Family!

Vincent Paul Bartilucci said...

Kudos to the real hero of this tale - Mrs. Brock! My wife won't let me choose what we eat for lunch!

Just kidding, but it's still mighty cool of Mrs. Brock to allow this tribute to the Sea King.

David Cutler said...

That's awesome--I've always thought Orin was just a really great name, too!

Adama said...

Oh man, that is way awesome! Good job, Brock family!

wich2 said...

Good on you, Rob!

Hey there, Brocks!!!
-Craig W.