This post is long overdue!
Ever since I first created the Friend Of AquaMan designation--F.O.A.M.--back in 2007, I've had a lot of ardent Aqua-Fans write me and ask how they can join F.O.A.M.
I cannot express how happy those types of emails make me, because it connects me up with another Aquaman fan, which was the whole point of the Shrine. And the idea that someone would want to join this silly little group so badly that they actively seek out the way to do so charms me to no end.
So I'm writing this post, which will feature the official rules of F.O.A.M. membership, and then there'll be a permanent link to it on the right hand side so anyone from this point on won't have to go to the effort of writing me an email: they can simply click, read...and then the hunt is on!
So, here goes:
1)Submit (via mail or e-mail) an item featuring or about Aquaman (or any member of the AquaFamily) to me for use on the Shrine.
The item has to be something not yet covered here on the Shrine--as we head into our third year(!) that's gets a little harder, but its still not as hard as it might sound.
If you haven't yet committed every single Shrine post to memory yet (and why not?), then use the handy-dandy graphic labels on the right and go through the old posts. If you don't see what you have to submit, or maybe still aren't sure, then email me and ask. I'm very friendly!
2)Please be aware that the members of F.O.A.M. are a quick and clever lot. When some news of an Aqua-Item breaks on the web, there are a handful of die-hard F.O.A.M.ers who alert me to it within (it seems) seconds of its posting on the web.
So if pics of some new Aquaman action figure get posted somewhere (like Newsarama or something), don't just send me a link and assume you're in--guaranteed, someone else has beaten you to it! Be creative and try and find something a little more unusual.
3)Home-created items are a-okay. That just means you love Aquaman enough to make something yourself.
4)It doesn't have exclusively be a physical "item" either. As you can see from the right hand side list of interviews, the Shrine has had the good fortune to get to talk to some of the wonderfully creative people who have worked on Aquaman, in one form or another.
I would love to talk to pretty much anybody who has ever worked on the character, so if you have a particular "in" with someone I've yet to talk to, being the middle-person between me and an interview subject more than earns you membership!
5)If you want to keep submitting things after you've joined, please do. Some F.O.A.M.ers have submitted dozens upon dozens of items (Russell, I'm looking in your direction) and it makes doing this blog so much more fun.
When I first started the Shrine, I thought we'd run out of stuff to talk about in a year or two. Now we're almost at our 3rd year anniversary, and I have no intention--and see no reason to--of stopping. And that's mostly because of the spirit of generosity and community that F.O.A.M. is all about!
So that's about it. Any other questions concerning F.O.A.M. membership, please leave a comment and ask! And thanks to everyone reading this for being such a big fan of Aquaman!
Finally--the reason I was inspired to write this post. I've received several emails from one Craig McGinnes, always submitting things to get him into F.O.A.M.
For one reason or another (some of them not having anything to do Craig), none of those met the specifications I just laid out, but Craig kept trying.
Then I realized, anyone who has tried as many times as Craig is a true Friend of AquaMan, without a doubt. So for sheer tenacity and effort, Craig now the newest member of F.O.A.M.!
Thanks Craig, and welcome--finally--to F.O.A.M.!
Ever since I first created the Friend Of AquaMan designation--F.O.A.M.--back in 2007, I've had a lot of ardent Aqua-Fans write me and ask how they can join F.O.A.M.
I cannot express how happy those types of emails make me, because it connects me up with another Aquaman fan, which was the whole point of the Shrine. And the idea that someone would want to join this silly little group so badly that they actively seek out the way to do so charms me to no end.
So I'm writing this post, which will feature the official rules of F.O.A.M. membership, and then there'll be a permanent link to it on the right hand side so anyone from this point on won't have to go to the effort of writing me an email: they can simply click, read...and then the hunt is on!
So, here goes:
1)Submit (via mail or e-mail) an item featuring or about Aquaman (or any member of the AquaFamily) to me for use on the Shrine.
The item has to be something not yet covered here on the Shrine--as we head into our third year(!) that's gets a little harder, but its still not as hard as it might sound.
If you haven't yet committed every single Shrine post to memory yet (and why not?), then use the handy-dandy graphic labels on the right and go through the old posts. If you don't see what you have to submit, or maybe still aren't sure, then email me and ask. I'm very friendly!
2)Please be aware that the members of F.O.A.M. are a quick and clever lot. When some news of an Aqua-Item breaks on the web, there are a handful of die-hard F.O.A.M.ers who alert me to it within (it seems) seconds of its posting on the web.
So if pics of some new Aquaman action figure get posted somewhere (like Newsarama or something), don't just send me a link and assume you're in--guaranteed, someone else has beaten you to it! Be creative and try and find something a little more unusual.
3)Home-created items are a-okay. That just means you love Aquaman enough to make something yourself.
4)It doesn't have exclusively be a physical "item" either. As you can see from the right hand side list of interviews, the Shrine has had the good fortune to get to talk to some of the wonderfully creative people who have worked on Aquaman, in one form or another.
I would love to talk to pretty much anybody who has ever worked on the character, so if you have a particular "in" with someone I've yet to talk to, being the middle-person between me and an interview subject more than earns you membership!
5)If you want to keep submitting things after you've joined, please do. Some F.O.A.M.ers have submitted dozens upon dozens of items (Russell, I'm looking in your direction) and it makes doing this blog so much more fun.
When I first started the Shrine, I thought we'd run out of stuff to talk about in a year or two. Now we're almost at our 3rd year anniversary, and I have no intention--and see no reason to--of stopping. And that's mostly because of the spirit of generosity and community that F.O.A.M. is all about!
So that's about it. Any other questions concerning F.O.A.M. membership, please leave a comment and ask! And thanks to everyone reading this for being such a big fan of Aquaman!
Finally--the reason I was inspired to write this post. I've received several emails from one Craig McGinnes, always submitting things to get him into F.O.A.M.
For one reason or another (some of them not having anything to do Craig), none of those met the specifications I just laid out, but Craig kept trying.
Then I realized, anyone who has tried as many times as Craig is a true Friend of AquaMan, without a doubt. So for sheer tenacity and effort, Craig now the newest member of F.O.A.M.!
Thanks Craig, and welcome--finally--to F.O.A.M.!
I think it would be nice to post a list of F.O.A.M members and, if you can remember, what they did to become a member.
Welcome to club, Craig,
There is a list, on the bottom right of this page.
I've thought about listing everyone's contributions, but it would take forrrrever...
Welcome to the club, Craig! :)
CRAIGs of the world, UNITE!!!
Great 4th, all!
Americana for NYers:
I laughed out loud when you mentioned me by name (thanks, Rob). I feel like the unofficial Aqualad of the blog sometimes...like this week, mentioning me four times in one week!!
It's my pleasure to share in our love of the character, Rob. :-)
Hello Rob! First thank you for this wonderful shrine. I have been visiting it for over a year now and finally wanted to say hi. I have been a avid fan of old fin legs since first seeing him on SUPERFRIENDS (I'm over 40) though I did not become a avid collector till 1995. I'm not really computer literate but will send photos of me with my A.M. stuff.
Thanks again for all your passion and work and may Aegir watch over thee.
Sincerly Denny Hubley of Las Vegas NV
I'm so excited to finally be a member of FOAM! :D
(I knew buying that Aquaman shirt was a good idea. :P)
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