I never thought I'd ever see any better shots of the show than that, but then my pal and F.O.A.M. member Brian Heiler (of the awesome blog Plaid Stallions, among other online endeavors) posted this jaw-dropping image--a full-color poster of the super-heroes in all their water-skiing glory! Holy Aquatic Acrobatics, Batman!
As soon as I saw the poster on his blog, I begged Brian to send me a version to post here, which he graciously sent me. Ye Gods, do I love this thing. Even though I never saw the show, this thing just feels like my childhood to me, with all the goofy love of super-heroes that goes with it.
Aside from that, I'm just impressed at the athletic ability on display here--I cannot imagine having enough balance to form a human pyramid, while water-skiing, while dressed up in those silly costumes! At least the guys playing Superman and Aquaman had it a little easier than the rest of them.
This show remains the only instance of a live-action Mera--at least until Amy Adams plays her in the big-budget Aquaman movie.
I can dream, can't I?
Anyway, thanks Brian!
Amy Adams would be an awesome Mera!
Wonder why Hawkman and Hawkgirl weren't part of the Sea World show. . .
I actually was privileged enough to see this show, back in the Bronze Age when Cleveland was home to Sea World. Yes, Cleveland.
Wow, that's super impressive! I'm disappointed that green Arrow couldn't make it, of course, but at least Black Canary got some "screen time"
That is a great pic Rob! Also, Brian is a great guy for sharing it, I have to say one of my favorite columns on his blog.
Hawkman and Hawkgirl? Can you imagine how difficult it would've been water-skiing with giant wings on your back??
I figure they knew they had to have 5 women and 5 men, so they had to dip pretty far into the DC pool for characters. I can bet very few of the people seeing the show knew who Black Canary or Mera were.
Yeah, this poster just makes me grin every time I see it. I sent Brian an email-grovel asking to use it, and he graciously sent it along. I couldn't wait to post it!
I'm really glad to see this pic in color, Rob. I wish I could've seen the show, but it was sadly before my time.
As far as casting, there was a tall redhead FBI agent on "24" this season that I thought would make a perfect Mera.
My choice for Aquaman? Well, he's a little older, but Viggo Mortenson would nail it, man.
Anyway, just my two cents.
Everytime I see this bw picture I think, HOW do they form that pyramid, anyway?!? Totally awesome pic, thanks Brian!
I've known about this show since it was advertised in the back of DC Comics back in the day and always wished I could have seen it. I've seen blurry black and white pictures of it, but this is by far the BEST and clearest image of the show that I've seen! Great post!
True Story: I was at Seaworld in the mid-70's when they were advertising this show. I must have been about 7 or 8 and I totally freaked out! Unfortunately, we had arrived about a week early or so, because the show hadn't started yet. Obviously, I don't remember the exact dates, but I clearly remember seeing the poster and getting really excited about Aquman and Mera because I had scene the Aquaman cartoons about a million times by then.
How do I get a poster like this? I went to this show when I was little. I believe this what started me loving comic book caracters. I still have about 3 pictures of them skiing and of the Bat-Boat. ChaseT8261997@yahoo.com
Interviews with nearly 40 of the skiers from that show, plus rare candid photos of all the heroes: http://noblemania.blogspot.com/2011/08/super-70s-and-80s-sea-world-superheroes.html!
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