The newest issue of TwoMorrows' excellent Jack Kirby Collector (#52, which you can order here) features a section of Kirby original art, highlighting final pages of various stories the King drew.
The one you see above is the final page from Super Powers #6 (written by our pal Paul Kupperberg), featuring all the participating heroes, including Aquaman!
I believe these Super Powers series were the only time Kirby ever drew the Sea King. Imagine what an early-1970s Aquaman comic might have been like, written and drawn by Jack Kirby during his New Gods heyday...
Imagine what an early-1970s Aquaman comic might have been like, written and drawn by Jack Kirby during his New Gods heyday...I'm imaging... the exact opposite of what I want to see with regard to most name DC heroes, especially Aquaman. Unsurprisingly, a major exception is the Martian Manhunter, as even in this weak latter-day effort, J'Onn J'Onzz looks good. I could also see him doing well with Green Lantern, and to a lesser extent, Dr. Fate. I don't even care for his Green Arrow work. Aside from his own creations, Kirby outside Marvel bugs the tar outta me.
A friend of mine owns the original pencil art to an entire issue of this run of SUPER POWERS (Greg Theakston inked the 6-issues on overlay to preserve the originals)...needless to say, my jealousy knows no bounds!
I just purchased this page over the weekend from Paul's friend's dealer. I am flabbergasted by the work.
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