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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

German DC Comics Ad - 1977

This unusual ad was sent to me by my pal (and F.O.A.M. member) George Rears, who spent some time in Germany as a kid and bought lots of comics there. It ran on the back cover of a German edition of Adventure Comics he generously sent me.

Interesting that, among the titles starring heavy-hitters Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman, Richard Dragon Kung-Fu Fighter is so prominent.

I guess calling the ad unusual is overstating it a bit, but I have to say, that is one odd position Superman is in!


Anonymous said...

Is he......throwing the moon? ;) They chose a good cover to advertise Aquaman, that looks exciting!

Diabolu Frank said...

Germans love David Hasselhoff! And when they've had their fill of nude Hoff wearing a sharpei, they likes some Butt of Steel and a tall cool glass of Kung Fu Fighting!

Aquaman's cover is also prominent. Maybe the squeaky sales wheels get the grease in the Deutchland, while the States push what's already selling.

Anonymous said...

At that time Aquaman would have been selling well, though, right?