This is from the mini-hardcover book The Comic Book Guy's Guide to Life, just one small speck in the massive Simpsons global merchandising onslaught.
This is from a section on Halloween costumes, and of course it makes sense that The Sea Captain would dress up as Aquaman! (And the show's obsession with crappy old tie-in merchandise is well represented here, by Chief Wiggum's spot-on Dick Tracy movie T-shirt)
This is one of three Aquaman "appearances" in the book, sent to me by F.O.A.M. member Brian "Plaid Stallions" Heiler. Thanks Brian!
I'm a fan of the Ray Bradbury getup. Red Power Ranger isn't bad either.
Note also that the "Emperor Dalek" shirt depicts, yes, the Emperor Dalek. Not your ordinary garden-variety Dalek. Someone involved with this book wasn't just writing a geek joke but living the geek life.
And it's not even the classic Emperor from The End of the Daleks, nor the new Dalek Emperor from The Parting of the Ways, but Davros in disguise from Remembrance of the Daleks!
Ok, I guess I'm THAT guy.
Not only did I own that Dick Tracy T shirt but I thought it was "real cool".
I want Aquaman PJs!
I had the Dick Tracy shirt AND the official fedora! And I wore it God help me I WORE IT!!!
...you wore the HAT!?
(Didn't Stevie Nicks wear those then?)
-Craig W.
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