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Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving from The Super Friends!

sgAs Aquaman sits down with his other Super Friends for a nice meal(that's seaweed, btw), we here at the Shrine wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

Personally, I am thankful for my Darlin' Tracy, our two furry kids, and for each and every one of you who checks out what I'm doing here. My thanks to you all!


Rick L. Phillips said...

Happy thanksgiving to you too. If I had known of this picture I would have used it instead of the one I did. I love it.

Anonymous said...

Dear Rob & gang -

With thanks, Mr. Kelly, for all the work you put into these little oases in a stressful world...

...all my wishes for the most truly blessed of Thanksgivings to all of you.

-Craig W.

Anonymous said...


Happy Thanksgiving to you and your's.


Scurvy said...

Thank you Rob, and a hearty Thanksgiving to you as well!

Wouldn't that be the coolest to have the SFs serve you dinner?