My Dad got two weeks of vacation every year, and we always spent them in a cabin at the Poconos, in Pennsylvania. The cabin overlooked Lake Wallenpaupack (immortalized in the "Booze Cruise" episode of The Office) and we always went the same time in mid-August, which covered my birthday and my parent's anniversary.
Even though there was no TV and not much to do, I loved going to what we called "the Mountains." I would anticipate the four-hour drive for weeks, amassing a huge pile of comics for the trip up, and once we got there I would constantly badger my parents to take me to the various newsstands, tobacco shops, and grocery stores that all carried comics. Sitting on the porch, looking out over the lake, reading my comics was heaven. Of the few comics I still have kept from my collecting days, the vast majority of them were ones purchased up in the Mountains.
Anyway, as you can see from these photos of my birthday celebrations, taken in 1977 and then in 1978, I was a creature of habit. I loved the Super Friends--and a certain orange-suited Sea King, who was of course among them--so these two photos are nearly indistinguishable from each other, save the "6" and then "7" candles(and the addition of a Tie-Fighter in '78). I was easy on my parents(in that way, at least). Heck, we probably had the same decorations in August 1979, too.
So Aquaman was always there, present for some of the best times of my childhood. Is it any wonder I have this blog?
Happy Birthday, Rob! On the anniversary of your birth, let's all take the time to say THANKS for all your hard work in celebrating a certain Sea King. And those Super Friends decorations look wonderful, too!
From one August baby to another Happy Birthday Rob. Hope you have a great day.
Happy Birthday Rob! Awesome story and great decorations! Have a great day!
think today's was an awesome story? just wait til tomorrow's post!
(thanks to all you guys for the bday wishes, btw!)
Happy birthday Rob! It's great to see captured childhood memories like this. It's things like that make us into the people (and fanboys) we are today.
Happy birthday! Cute kid.
(DUDE - what a STUD!!!)
Happy birthday, fellow-Leo!
-Craig W.
yeah, chicks dug a kid in a Darth Vader t-shirt, lemme tell ya...
Happy B-Day, Rob!
Another wonderful post for a very important day. It's nice to see this nostalgia. Happy birthday, Rob!
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