I'm not going to get into how awesome it is--you can see that for yourself. The story I will tell is how I ended up with this in my possession.
Craig had done this piece for an upcoming gamecard set, and really, as they say, knocked it out of the park. Soon after he sent me a scan of it as a nice preview. After I raved about it, Craig let me know he was offering me first dibs on buying the original.
And as much as I wanted it(and I reeeeally did), I just couldn't justify spending that kind of money on any Aquaman stuff, no matter how awesome it was. Yeah, I'd love to have this piece on the wall of the new house Trace and I eventually plan to buy, but I think I should save up to get the house first.
Anyway, I showed the scan to Trace, who was as impressed as I was. I made a joke that, you know, she could get it for me as my birthday present. Y'know, if she was so inclined. After three or four hints of that subtle nature, I stopped because I didn't want Trace to feel bad about the real present she probably had bought me already. Within a couple of days I had forgotten all about it.
So I go out and get the mail on Monday morning, and, lo and behold, there's a package from Craig! I open it up and there it was--the masterpiece in my hands, faint pastel smell filling the air. Enclosed with it was a birthday card--from Tracy.
She had contacted Craig, arranged the purchase, then sent him my birthday card, which he packaged in with the piece, so it all arrived together. For a few moments, I was actually speechless(and as Trace will tell you, that doesn't happen much). I just sat there, staring at this thing, appreciating the beauty of it as a superb piece of illustration, as well as the fact its of my hero, looking as powerfully majestic as he ever has. And it was from Trace, for my birthday.
She was at work, so it took me a few minutes to get ahold of her, and gave her the chance to revel in her cleverness, accepting the million thank-yous I was now throwing her way. As I told her, its simply the best birthday present I've ever gotten, and the fact that she went to so much effort to get it...ah, words fail me. Thanks, Trace, your aces.
One final note: Craig asked me not to post the original scan he sent before the cards came out, a promise I intended to keep. But I wanted to post this so bad this week, since it's birthday-related. Then I figured if I scanned in the whole 14x16" piece, with the little color swatches Craig put on there(upper and lower right corners), then I was really just posting an item I actually own, not just a scan of a piece that will show up on a card down the line. Yeah, I know, a technicality, but can you blame me?
Update: Upon further reflection n the cold light of day, I've decided to obscure the above image in deference to Craig's wishes for it not to be seen before the gamecard comes out. I don't want to get him in trouble with DC or anything. Not being a gamer, I didn't realize how a big a deal it is for these new sets to come out. I just spoke to a friend who knows this stuff better than I and indicated that these sets are eagerly anticipated, so previewing the art ahead of time is a bigger deal than I first thought.
It'll go back up when the card set comes out, so at least for now we still have the awesome story!
Happy birthday, but dude, bad form on the posting. This is the internet, for Craig's sake. At least take it down after 24 hours and repost it at a later date...
Wow, that is totally the most beautiful piece of Aquaman art I've ever seen. Is it just me, or does this remind people of the first season SUPER FRIENDS opening shot of Arthur??? Love the sharks in the background.
Wow Rob! you were right that is a great little story! I'm sure you don't need to be told, but she's a keeper!
Rob, you are a gentleman and a scholar. I salute you for your integrity!
Happy Birthday, Rob! That Trace is an awesome lady, alright! And you are an awesome dude who so deserves this gift! And you are right on the money, russell! I was humming the Super Friends theme song the whole 4 days spent rendering this piece. Remember the weird sound effect of the telepathic circles? ;-)
It's the most beautiful image of any super hero I have every seen. Bravo Mr. Hamilton. Congrats Rob, and way to go Trace!
Aw man, I missed it. I did spend 10 minutes trying to figure out what was wrong with my computer though, so you got me there!
I look forward to seeing the final piece!
Congrats, Rob! You've got a good one in Trace...
Craig: way to hold up the CRAIG banner!
-Craig Wichman
Oh man, yer killing me! On the one hand, awesome story. On the other... how long do I have to wait to see it?
My husband surprised me one year with an original Ramona Fradon Aquaman watercolor. So I know *exactly* how you feel.
I missed it!
Man, I have to get internet access at work!
sorry for the tease, everybody. supposedly the next Vs set is just a few months away, so once theyre out...
thanks for the kind words, from everybody. and yes, Trace IS a keeper. :)
I forgot to mention the part about the piece being gorgeous, and my regretting not right-clicking it when I had the chance, but that was also kind of the point...
Neat about the Fradon piece! (Bet Rob would 'preciate that one!)
I do have an old Jerry Robinson quik-portrait of my younger self, done when he was doing a Lunchtime gig at a Midtown bank...
-Craig W.
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