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Saturday, December 23, 2006

Mego Pocket Heroes Action Figure - 1979

sgWas Mego's Comic Action Heroes Aquaman too exciting for you? If so, maybe this figure is more your speed--Mego's later line, Pocket Heroes. Standing the same 3 and 3/4" tall, these figures are standing ramrod straight. Geez, kinda makes me miss the weird Pocket Heroes-crouch.

Like below, finding this MIP is pricey beyond belief, so it's just the loose one for now. Someday...

As always, read more about this and the other Mego lines at The Mego Museum!


Anonymous said...

I think you need to put this one and the previous post together in Flash and make him dance.

Plaidstallions said...

I've seen them go for $100 before but yeah usually the BIN is $300 or so. Aquaman is actually one of the easier white carded PH to find too....

rob! said...

>> think you need to put this one and the previous post together in Flash and make him dance.<<

watch Aquaman...prepare to sit down! hours of entertainment for the whole family.