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Thursday, December 21, 2006

JLU Die Cast Figurine - 2006

sgWhile I could start this off complaining, yet again, about the look of the JLU-version of Aquaman, I'll try and stay positive.

This is a handsome little figurine, one of many JLU members, of course. I wonder who they're for, exactly? Kids can't play with them, so I assume they're aimed at older collectors (like me!) who maybe want to have some sort of superhero acoutrement in their workspace or home, but aren't quite comfortable actually buying a toy, so this little statue-type thing does the trick:

Open to: Random office cubicle. A man, Jim, sits at his computer, typing. Another man, Dwight, in short-sleeve shirt and tie, walks by.

Dwight: Jim?


Dwight: Is that an action figure on top of your sales reports shelf?

Jim: No--it's a statue.

Dwight: Oh, cool.

End scene.


Anonymous said...

Your little play reminds me of the Kubert play from second year:



end of scene

wild applause

Plaidstallions said...

My son just walked by and asked me if that was Aquaman, I asked him which one he liked better. He chose "hook hand!" agggghhhhh!

rob! said...


rob! said...

>> Your little play reminds me of the Kubert play from second year<<

my greatest non-artistic achievement.