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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

DC Films: Dawn of Justice

Here's the Aquaman segment from tonight's DC Films: Dawn of Justice TV special that aired on the CW. We (sort of) get our first glimpse of Jason Momoa in action!


Jorge PR said...

Nice! And even nicer to have you back, Rob! Hope it's for good.

Interesting that they keep showing the original version of Aquaman (blond hair, orange shirt), and the new Jason Momoa version at the same time.

Unknown said...

I can't wait for Aquaman movie.

KJ Sampson said...

Maybe they'll play up the blond highlights in his hair...?

darksidecowboy said...

To me I see the BvS movie as a means to finally get the Aquaman movie I've dreamed about for years. We've see so many super hero movies over the years and it's hard to believe that this is finally happening. I hope the BvS movie is a smash hit to further perpetuate the DC universe and more movies with the King of the Seas.

Long Live The King!