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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Aquaman Art Gallery: Becky Cloonan

Another great Aqua-Sketch from the collection of F.O.A.M.er Kevin Elman, this time from superb artist Becky Cloonan! I really love Ms. Cloonan's work--it was pretty much the only thing I liked when it came to Convergence--and I think this piece is another winner. I hope it's not the last time we get to see her draw the Sea King!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks Rob for sharing the sketches! I have had great fun collecting them over the years and meeting some rally great artists and people along the way. I got this at Denver Comic Con and even though Becky had a full table she made the time for me and this beautiful sketch. She said she loved doing the convergence title and hope for more Aqua stuff in the future. Kevin