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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Aquaman in the Library

F.O.A.M.er Ashton Burge (co-composer of the Fire and Water Podcast theme song) is an Information Services Supervisor in his civilian identity, and this year the Summer Reading Program is superhero themed. It was up to Ashton to put together the display, and as you can see he made sure Aquaman was well represented! Outrageous!

Bonus: Ashton mentioned that a kid in the program came up to him and told him that Aquaman was his favorite hero. Mission Accomplished, thanks Ashton!


Joseph Brian Scott said...

Nice selections for the display; it's really fun to look at.

Earth 2 Chris said...

Awesome! Cindy is doing Super Heroes for her library's summer reading program as well!


r duncan said...

A man of taste.

Anonymous said...

What with all the talk of the Confederate battle flag, I find it funny that the JLA cover at the bottom sports the flag of Mississippi.

Ashton Burge said...

I actually traded that one this morning for Trinity #1 by Matt Wagner.

Ashton Burge said...

Thanks for sharing this, Rob! I plan on doing a full-on Aquaman display in it next year for his 75th. I'll definitely send in some pics.

Darrin said...

Thanks for looking out for our hero Ashton!

Darrin said...

Thanks for looking out for our hero Ashton!