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Friday, February 06, 2015

Sea World Aquaman and Mera

This photo from the 1970s DC Comics Sea World show was posted on the Back Issue! Facebook page last week, and I had to post it here--it's the single clearest shot of the Sea King and Mera from this show that I have ever seen. Great Neptune, do I wish I had had the chance to see this show as a kid--it looks so fun!

(h/t: Newest F.O.A.M.er Mike Clune)


Earth 2 Chris said...

Yeah, I'd have ran over a box of puppies with my Big Wheel to see that show back then!

Great pic!


Designer Daddy said...

That's an amazingly close shot! As I've probably mentioned, I did get to see it when I was about 7. My seats were NOT this close! :)