This time around we chat about WHO'S WHO: Volume XXV, discussing characters such as The Unknown Soldier, Vandal Savage, The Vigilante, The Warlord, The Weasel, Wildcat, and more! We wrap up the show with Listener Feedback!
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Thanks for listening!
You two should get a medal or something, for providing such a great community service. A Who's Who on the first day back to work after a long holiday break will make our suffering that much more bearable. Bless you.
Great show as always, Gentlemen. Am I one of the few people who enjoyed the DC Sampler show?
A few comments:
The Untouchables fought Looker in the “single member back-up stories” in The Outsiders baxter series #2 and #3. While I have also read the DC Comics Presents story with Robin and the Elongated Man, I didn’t realize they were the same characters until I read the Who’s Who entry. Bizarre.
The Warlock of Ys was actually holding Zatanna, and not Carol Ferris, but I believe you knew that …
Weather Wizard: I recall reading in an interview with Danny Bilson and Paul DeMeo (in Starlog or Comics Scene, maybe Comic Interview) that they had an idea for a Weather Wizard episode for the 1990-91 THE FLASH programme, but it would have been too expensive. As I recall, he would have been responsible for the lightning striking Barry in the pilot (a failed attempt at a jailbreak or to destroy the police headquarters, I think). This may be why Rob believed Weather Wizard was on the show... ("That oughta do it.")
Also, as I mentioned on Twitter, Weather Wizard did not appear on Hawkman, but this Who's Who issue was released just before Tony Isabella had left the Hawkman series (a shame, because I thought the Shadow War concept was brilliant), so I wonder if Isabella had a storyline with Mardon in his "five year plan" for the Thanagarian War...
And I agree with Earth 2 Chris that the Graffiti Designs hardcover “extras” should also be featured in your upcoming "History of the DCU" episode – especially since the essay by Bob Kane is one of the few instances he acknowledged in print that Bill Finger deserves credit for co-creating Batman…
And “Abin Syrup” is a great sobriquet. If he is looking for a logo, he can crop this: https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3347/5732672122_49499f597f_n.jpg
Next episode is the Wonder Woman issue… I cannot wait. There is this string tied around my finger to remind me to do… something…
Being a sword and sorcery fantasy fan, I must say all of the swords in this issue were much appreciated. As a big Warlord fan and a huge Mike Grell fan it is easy for me to choose the best entry in this issue and I definitely think Warlord should have been the main character on the cover. Honorable mention goes to Valda the Iron Maiden by Ernie Colon. We like almost every incarnation of Zorro and agree enthusiastically with Shagg’s comments about the excellent Topps comic series.
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