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Thursday, December 18, 2014

Random Panel of the Day #1159



r duncan said...

Sorry to see the Others go, but I doubt will be hearing much about Ya'wara in the future.

Allan Mancilla said...

I gotta say, this has been the worst Aquaman series in a long time (since Larsen!). It's cool Aquaman got another title but I would have prefered a Mera ongoing or Aqualad than this. Or, maybe, If this book had been well written and appropiately drawn it could have been something good.

tuskythewalrus said...

I though the series had potential, but I feel like the plots and conflicts were handled wrong. For instance, like Yawara and Mera dueling over Arthur is something I personally thought was forced, and certainly won't miss, but I will miss The Others, since just seeing Aqua-Family and Aquaman characters in another book was awesome.

Anonymous said...

I'm getting so tired of Yawara... I hate the character and her skunk hairstyle.

Joseph Brian Scott said...

Whassamatta Ya'wara?