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Monday, November 17, 2014

Aquaman #39 Variant Cover by Amanda Conner

Aquaman is not amused with Harley Quinn's antics on this variant cover to Aquaman #39 by Amanda Conner. Dolphins with frickin' lasers! On sale in February 2015.


Unknown said...

Where can I ask Rob questions about the star wars podcast? I would ask them here, but in the past, people didn't like it when I asked questions not related to what was posted.

Designer Daddy said...

Glad this is the variant. Aquaman looks cool, but Harley and the dolphins look decidedly NOT cool.

Darrin and Ruth said...

Let her have it Aquaman!

Darrin and Ruth said...

Hi Wolfgang! Just scroll down on the main page. The post for the podcast is the next one down. Click the comment button under that post and leave your comment there. I look forward to seeing what you say.

rob! said...

What they said!