The official podcast of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE and FIRESTORM FAN
Episode 100 - Justice League of America #200
To celebrate THE FIRE AND WATER PODCAST's 100th episode, Shag and I cover the my all-time favorite comic book, JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #200 by Gerry Conway, George Perez, Brett Breeding, and an all-star line-up of guest artists. Joining the celebration are former F&W guest-stars Diabolu Frank, J. David Weter, Doug Zawisza, Chris and Cindy Franklin, Siskoid, Chad Bokelman, Ryan Daly, Michael Bailey, Luke Jaconetti, with a special appearance by Gerry Conway!
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Opening theme, "That Time is Now," by Michael Kohler. Closing music by Daniel Adams and Ashton Burge of The Bad Mamma Jammas! http://www.facebook.com/BadMammaJammas
Thanks for listening! Fan the Flame and Ride the Wave!
JLA #200 is also one of my all-time favorite issues, and I had read it within a month of its release, thanks to a kind uncle who brought it when he visited me in London -- along with a stack of other comic books he had purchased in the US for me during that year (including another favorite of mine: The Flash #300). I was 18 at that time, but reading that book made me feel like I was 10 years old again…
It was a very clever idea to invite guest podcasters to contribute their thoughts for each chapter. It made this episode a very special and very entertaining listen. And Gerry Conway’s introduction was very well done. Bravo.
Regarding the comments about Zatanna (which I had always pronounced Zah-TAH-nah since I was under the impression her family had Italian heritage) being the one who should have gone up against Superman, or not magically having Wonder Woman “pans tuo fo ti” – keep in mind that in JLA v1 #191, Zatanna lost a majority of her “uber-magic” powers due to all of the “grandstanding” she did when she first joined the League, using up the last of that type of magic to save the life of the Key. All she could do at this point was magically manipulate the “elements” (air water, earth, and fire), and was no longer able to “create anything out of thin air.” (Of course, that was what Firestorm was for…)
This was not the first time I had seen Brian Bolland’s comic book interiors, having read his Judge Dredd from the late 1970s, but I was amazed at how well he had depicted Batman, Green Arrow, and Black Canary in what I believe was the first time (I may be wrong). I agree that Neal Adams would have been a more appropriate choice for illustrating this chapter, and am curious if the situation whereby he did not was actually a case of Mr. Adams not being available, or if DC corporate didn’t want to invite him to the table, given that this issue was put together only a few years after Adams fought DC to give Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster long-overdue credit and some financial remuneration for their creating Superman. It is also possible that Mr. Adams was asked and he had refused for similar reasons. I am curious if anyone knows the answer to that...
I will probably have more random thoughts on both the comic and the podcast when my schedule loosens a bit later this week. in any case, bring on the next one hundred.
("AquaRob and FireShag... casting pods to-geth-er...")
Fantastic episode! It was highly entertaining and what a great idea to have a blend of other podcasters involved as well. After listening to it I had to get my own copy of #200 after the podcast (total cost- $1.25 !)
Finally finshed up the episode, and I have to say guys -- bravo. Great work from top to bottom. As I said on the show, this was my first time reading this landmark issue, and it was an absolute blast. But it was even more fun to hear this collection of folks on this podcast!
I don't know what else I can add other than to publically thank Rob and Shag for asking me to join them on the show, both this time and previously. And to give major props and a huge thumbs up to all of the other guest stars as well, thank you for making this episode as fun as it was. And finally, to thank Rob and Shag once again for making this show and making it so freaking good, out of such a bizarre, inane concept as pairing off Aquaman and Firestorm.
Congratulations for reaching 100 episodes, and here's to a hundred more! Fan The Flame and Ride Wave!
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