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Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Dragon Con 2014 Cosplay Crossover

Even more Aqua-Family cosplay photos from the 2014 Dragon*Con, this time courtesy my pal and Fire and Water Podcast co-host The Irredeemable Shag!

These cosplayers and costumes are courtesy The Superhero Costuming Forum, which organizes these massive cosplayer events. And speaking of events, a number of other blogs are posting Dragon*Con photos today as well. Check them out at:

Thanks Shag!


The Irredeemable Shag said...

I think there may have been more Mera cosplayers than Aquaman cosplayers this year!

Count Drunkula said...

That last Mera cosplay looks terrific!

Joel said...

I was the Peter David Aquaman pictured. This is actually the first picture I've seen, so thanks for sharing! Already working to improve it for next year. I met Mr. David at the con and he was a big fan of it, so that made my day.

Earth 2 Chris said...

Joel, your David Aquaman was fantastic. Love seeing all the Meras too.


The Irredeemable Shag said...

Hi Joel! Great job on your PAD Aquaman! I was thrilled to see him represented at the Con!!


Unknown said...

PAD Aquaman is a rare thing to see...AWESOME!

Joel said...

Thanks guys! As you noticed, there were many excellent Meras this year.