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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Aquaman The Movie

Well, this kinda seems like big news.


Andy Luckett said...


r duncan said...

Maybe someone is listening to Scipio.


Diabolu Frank said...

The downside to all the publicity Aquaman's getting nowadays is that I used to be able to type his name on Google and get the Shrine on the first page of results. Today, it's page 4.

Anyhow, you've probably seen this already, but just in case...


Darrin and Ruth said...

I am both excited and worried about this. I sincerely hope the quality is good. I know there are fans of the Peter David Aquaman and I own every issue myself and admit that there are many great stores there. However I really hope we don't get hook-handed, long-haired, shirtless Aquaman. I want regal adventurer Aquaman like the one in the current comics.