It's Adventure Sunday!
Hey Aqua-Fans, Ramona Fradon is back, and it's a real humdinger:

Aquaman and Aqualad notice the special flare given to all sea captains for just such a purpoise. Captain Rader, however, isn't concerned, sure that he is prepared with special tricks for any attack Aquaman might dish out. But he quickly learns the error of his ways:

...and so ends another adventure for Aquaman and Aqualad!
As much as any Aqua-Fan worth his sea salt loves Nick Cardy, it was great to have Ramona Fradon back for this issue. She does her usual superb job, from the great cutaway detail shot of the bad guy in the fake Puffer Fish, to that full-length panel of Aquaman pasting the bad guys while Aqualad watches admiringly. I could look at that shot all day.
I think the idea of the flare given to all sea captains by Aquaman is a new idea; I have to think the constant use of the Bat-Signal over in the Bat titles (which, of course, World's Finest Comics technically is one) had some effect on Jack Miller, who thought, hey, why not give Aquaman something similar?
Another crook calls Aquaman "Fish-man!" Guess it was still a popular disparaging nickname...
Elsewhere on Earth-1...
Re: the World's Finest: the World's Finest (and Robin) face off against Zerno, a sorcerer from another planet.
See, you learn something from old comic stories. Puffer fish float on the surface upside down! Who knew?
Arthur sure pasted that guy. Fradon communicates his bruised and battered condition well!
Is this the last time she draws Aquaman until the Super Friends comic?
Viva Adventure Sunday!
This was a great opportunity to contrast Cardy in his early Aqua-phase with Fradon in her prime. I've always been partial to Cardy, but Fradon owned Aquaman like nobody's business at this point.
James Chatterton
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