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Monday, July 28, 2014

Aquaman San Antonio

F.O.A.M.er Chad Bokelman alerted the Shrine to the plight of Jonathan Vela, aka Aquaman San Antonio. In addition to appearing in costume at various cons as the Sea King, Mr. Vela apparently also regularly appeared at children's hospitals and charities.

On July 25 Mr. Vela suffered a stroke, a devastating event for anyone, let alone someone so young. With astronomical medical bills on the horizon, friends of his have set up a Give Forward page to accept donations. Head over there (link immediately below) and consider donating, or at the very least spreading the word. Help an Aqua-Fan out in his time of need!



Darrin and Ruth said...

Thank you for sharing this. We made a contribution and shared it with our Facebook friends. Prayerfully he will recover quickly.

Martin Gray said...

Rob, thank you, and Alan, so much for a truly fascinating show. Finally, we have authoritative clarification of the story that the Deadman/Kara story got Mark Waid fired from Secret Origins. It was the business with Dick Giordano drawing that made that make no sense to me, and yup, everyone was OK.

I'm so sad now that we never got to see Alan's Sally Salwyn story.

With Alan's agreement, you could repurpose this as a cover feature for Back Issue.