It's Adventure Sunday!
Aquaman holds the fate of two nations in his gloved hands!

Aquaman commands some squids to shoot their ink into the sky, causing the attacking plane to crash and the pilot to bail out. After he is apprehended, Aquaman is told by the two nations that the peace treaty has been signed. It seems all is well, until the Sea King sees a Lantern Fish sending an urgent message to him!

...and so ends another adventure for Aquaman and Aqualad!
Oh man, I love that Aquaman statue at the end! I want to see that worked into New 52 continuity!
After being gone last issue, Nick Cardy returns to the strip, doing his usual superb job. I love that panel of Aquaman smashing that "swordfish" to bits--it has such great movement and violence to it.
After this adventure, Aquaman guest-starred in yet another Superman-family title (this time, Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #30), and then headlined his first ever solo title, with the publication of Aquaman #1. But that didn't stop him from appearing in more issues of Detective Comics, which we'll see here next week!
So Aquaman has a whole holiday named after him in some (unnamed) surface-dweller country? Would think that'd be an even bigger deal than the statue... :-)
And yeah, guess the Sea King did put in a lot of Superman comic appearances during this time!
Elsewhere on Earth-1...
Re: Batman: The Dynamic Duo face off against the shape-shifting Clayface, in his first Silver Age appearance. (The original Golden Age Clayface, of course, was just an actor without shape-shifting powers... a later Batman comic establishes he existed on Earth-1, as well.)
It looks like Aquaman was finally done with riding octopi for well and good.
And Batman was pretty brave to take on Clayface with his tiny baby hands.
Re: Aquaman's violence towards the mechanical swordfish, that's a hell of an image. Like Batman holding a gun hellish.
Re: the cover. Robin did a lot of standing around gawking in this era, didn't he? He has the exact same pose here as he did LAST WEEK!
Ha! Good catch, Russell! In fact, Robin is also in the same exact pose on 'Tec #294 as well, except he's on the left.
Viva Adventure Sunday!
Was Bob Haney the only writer who knew how to handle Robin in the 60's? His Robin in the Teen Titans was like a whole different guy. Jive dialogue notwithstanding, Robin was definitely the brains of that group. And he wasn't shy about letting them know it.
Gotta love Adventure Sunday: Where else would a guy with an encyclopedic knowledge of silver-bronze DC learn something new? I had no clue Aquaman had ever been in Detective.
James Chatterton
Maybe the writers just viewed Robin the same way much of the real-life non-comics-fan general public does---as just the sidekick of/joined at the hip to Batman (the "Dynamic Duo" and all), versus his own hero/character? (Similar to other kid sidekicks of the time, including Aqualad...) Aside from Robin's solo series in "Star-Spangled Comics" in the 40s/50s, "Teen Titans" is probably where he first got to really function on his own, and especially with other kid heroes his own age...
Guessing the "just a sidekick" attitude is a bit less so among younger members of the public thanks to the "Teen Titans" cartoon, but still, the average person would be surprised to learn Robin has his own comics, adversaries, superhero team, etc. these days, and isn't just "Batman's sidekick"...
Moldoff reused that same Robin gasping with hand up pose in the corner of TONS of covers of Batman and Tec in this period. Maybe folks at DC thought it sold...you know...like gorillas?
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