As the plot to take over the world and destroy the JLA continues apace, the League members are dealing with the sting of rejection from The Man of Steel. Green Lantern in particular takes it in stride:

The JLA goes to search for it, with Green Lantern in particular acting strange. He's rude to both Flash and Aquaman in particular:

Hal continues to be a jerk, even in his civilian life back at Ferris Aircraft, ordering his pal Tom around. Green Arrow (who shows up to help find the meteor) thinks Lantern is just being a big baby, sore about being turned down by Superman. Meanwhile, Snapper is doing some work in one of the Secret Sanctuary's Jeffries Tubes, and discovers...a spy!
He brings photos of the spy to the team, but the mysterious invader looks different each time one of the JLAers takes a look at the film Snapper recorded. Turns out it's...the Martian Manhunter? The others smash their way into J'Onn's room, and find something even more disturbing:

I liked the moment of Aquaman telling Green Lantern off; it's true to the character and while it not make him Mr. Popular, it only underlines of the reasons I like him so much as a hero.
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