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Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Random Panel of the Day #934



Anthony said...


Though joke aside, even the United States for all its military/economic might, works with other countries (in the UN/various conflicts and problems). Thus, Superman needs the JLA and vice versa. Plus, they aren't vulnerable to kryptonite. :-)

Earth 2 Chris said...

How ironic is it that it's Arthur who says "Disband?" Mister-I'm-a-founding-member-so-I-disband-the-JLA-and-invite-Vibe!

And, what's with the Moldoff Hawkman? Oh wait, that's a post-Crisis retcon, right?

Russell said...

Superman forgot to take his meds today.

Unknown said...

"Seriously, a n*t**s monkey could do your jobs"

James "Tropical Cruise" Chatterton