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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Total Heroes Aquaman

We've talked about the upcoming Total Heroes line before, but this is the first shot we've gotten of the packaging. And check it out--it features the work of Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, and Rod Reis! Well done Mattel, now get going on a Mera figure!

(h/t: F.O.A.M.er Chris Franklin)


Earth 2 Chris said...

There's a nice article on this line over at Action Figure Insider:


Arthur's got the best package design, me thinks. Marvel at the mixed up Superman design!


DotD said...

Wait, has this figure not been released yet, because I kinda have one. I got it from China lol.

BlUsKrEEm said...

Whoa! Aurthur got picked over Wonderwoman or a Green Lantern?! He's moving up in the world.

I'm surprised you didn't mention the Black Manta figure they mentioned.

Unknown said...


connorsdad said...

I have him, he's great. I wrote a review for him on amazon. He's got a cool stylized look, is a solid figure, & retails for $10! The black manta thats coming is awesome, but you can only get it online...from the much-hated matty collector. Hopefully I'll be able to snag one next quarter!