This time around we chat about WHO'S WHO: Volume XV, discussing characters such as 'Mazing Man, Mera, Metamorpho, Mr. Freeze, Mr. Mind, and Mister Miracle! We wrap up the show with Listener Feedback!
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This is definitely one of those issues that is better than the individual entries would lead you to think. Besides Mera there is nobody I find all that interesting in this issue...yet, I remember it fondly.
Some random thoughts....
I think Mr. Atom or Mr. Mind are the best entries this issue. Mirage is awesome, too, but let's face it, most of Bill Sienkewicz' art looks like this, haha!
Carmine Infantino's poses all look the same, except for The Flash. Even The Elongated Man is in the same pose, although his arm is stretching out.
Murphy Anderson drew The Mist when he fought Starman and Black Canary back in THE BRAVE & THE BOLD story reprinted in an old JLA. Rob, you have that story.
Mister Miracle probably is the best Kirby art so far. I remember being confused by this character and never really "getting" him, plus, wasn't there another Mister Miracle?
Mr. Mxyzptlk is a cute illustration. Marshall Rogers obviously had a gerat time trying to recreate Joe Shuster & Curt Swan (?) in this page. I could always pronounce his name (there usually was a pronouncement guide somewhere in the story) but I never could figure out how to pronounce his name backwards!
Mindblogger reminds me of the first DC character John Byrne ever created...Magpie? Something like that.
I think Metal Men wins the award for least interesting picture. They're robots who can form themselves into anything they want, and Ross Andru has them...standing there!?!?! The Terry Austin illo is WAY better. If this is all that Andru could do, DC should have asked Walt Simonson to draw them.
I met John Workman at the Baltimore Comic Con two years ago. If I go back and he's there, I'll ask him to sign this. He was a helluva nice guy. I'm with Shag when he mentioned the strength of this drawing....when you get to her mourning her son, WOW.
@Russell: There had been 3 Mister Miracles at this point - Thaddeus Brown, Scott Free and Shilo Norman. I understand why the first one wouldn't get an entry, but Shilo doesn't even rate a mention!
I'm a big fan of Mr. Tawky-Tawny and because I've lived in Michigan my whole life I love Shazzam! #32 where Tawky-Tawny joins the Detroit Tigers.
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