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Friday, October 25, 2013

The Adventure That Never Was

No, your eyes are not deceiving you--sadly, this is not some long-lost issue of Adventure Comics from the 1950s that finally gave Aquaman the cover spot!

Rather, this is the awesome work of F.O.A.M.er Tyrone Biljan, who is a genius at making perfectly-realized, period-accurate comic covers from eras long past. Many of you probably know that Aquaman appeared didn't appear on a single comic cover, ever, for the first nineteen years of his existence, despite a long run in More Fun Comics and an even longer one in Adventure Comics.

So I asked Tyrone if he would create a cover mimicking a mid-1950's issue of Adventure, pretending as if the Sea King finally did get a chance at the spotlight. And, as usual, he delivered!

Tyrone has a blog dedicated to his custom covers, called Wouldn't It Be Cool If...go check it out, and thanks Tyrone!


r duncan said...

This one is awesome, too.


Wings1295 said...

Great! I wouldn't have known it wasn't a real cover!

Joseph Brian Scott said...

Made me do a double take! Then smile.