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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Eek! - 10/18/13

Aquaman makes an ignominious appearance in Scott Nickel's Eek! comic strip, from October 18, 2013. At least the woman in question isn't Mera.

A bunch of people sent this in, but newest F.O.A.M.er Abel Padilla was first! Thanks Abel and welcome to F.O.A.M.!


r duncan said...

I dunno. Could be Mera...

Russell said...

This is the kind of cheap joke that I really can't stand. The guy doesn't even work on it to try to make it funny; he just assumes that we all will agree with him that Aquaman is lame, so he draws Superman in an iconic way and Aquaman as a dweeb. Grrr.....hate....!!