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Friday, September 06, 2013

Aquamen/Aquawomen @ Dragon*Con 2013

We're giving the Aquaman Art Gallery the week off so we can show off some of the Aquamen and Aquawomen who were spotted all over the 2013 Dragon*Con! A bunch of F.O.A.M. members were kind enough to send in pics, so here are a few of the talented crafty Aqua-Fans who were out and about:
At the risk of sharing too much, this last one is really working for me. Pretty girl, 1940s fashion, Aquaman reference...*sigh*

Thanks to everyone who sent in pics!


Unknown said...

Roxanne always looks great and her outfit is fantastic.

Bleak said...

Holy cow that armoured Aquaman costumeis amazing.

Earth 2 Chris said...

Great stuff, and we're seeing some regulars here on the Shrine!

The 40s gal works for me too Rob, so don't feel bad!


DotD said...

Am i the only one who thinks that all these folks should be honorary FOAM Members?

Designer Daddy said...

Yup, love the last one! At least creatively speaking — love the starfish on her shoes. :)

Jyess said...

Hey guys! Thanks for the love! I'm the pin-up Aquaman. Here is a link to a better pic (minus the starfish shoes that got cut off):


I'm so honored to be featured on the D*Con costume page for a 3rd year!

Thank you for the support!

KJ Sampson said...

The only one I saw was the first pic...and, of course, myself as GHETTO FABULOUS Aquaman (pix to come).

John Trumbull said...

I hereby move that the "Random Panel of the Day" feature be changed to "Random Picture of Jyess of the Day." Seconded?

rob! said...


Shoot me an email at aquamanshrine@comcast.net please!

Tusky the Walrus said...

Bouncing Butterfish! That's a good looking Cosplay!

aquaman said...

Ricks leather aquaman is truly a work of art. I love he different takes.