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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Random Panel of the Day #792



Unknown said...

Them fightin words

Earth 2 Chris said...

Yeah, Arthur doesn't have a flattop head and little girly wings! And he isn't constantly invading the surface world every time some fish sneezes...


Randy Meyer said...

E2C, I describe Namor's cute widdle anklet wings exactly the same way.

Cap says Aquaman is no Namor and I reply, "Thank Neptune!"

Unknown said...

I figured what Cap was trying to say is..."You're no Namor...you're much cooler!"

Anonymous said...

Tim, I think it's the only possible explanation.

Anthony said...

Of course he's no Namor... Arthur has actual friends/coworkers that like him, vs. a Sea King with Donald Duck's temperament. Arthur also hasn't attempted to stalk the Elongated Man's wife or something. ;-)

Joseph Brian Scott said...

^That's hilarious.