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Thursday, May 09, 2013

Aquaman Theme Song

I don't know how the Shrine went this long before posting this...it's a bona-fide Aquaman theme song!

Despite the graphic used in the video, this theme song did not appear on the 1975 Songs and Stories About The Justice League of America LP, which I had and played over and over again until it warped. The material from that record was cribbed from an earlier 1968 release, with some material--like the Aquaman theme song--cut out.

As a kid, I was confused why other characters that got solo audio adventures (Plastic Man, Metamorpho, Wonder Woman) were bestowed with custom theme songs, but Aquaman didn't. As far as I can tell, there isn't any material on the 1975 release that doesn't appear on the 1968 one, so why anything had to be cut at all is a mystery (as are a lot of things concerning the Power Records).

In any case, it's two and a half minutes of goofy fun, so enjoy!


Designer Daddy said...

LOL - Thanks for the morning funny! I'm thinking there were some drugs involved in the writing of this song...

Wings1295 said...

Ack-wa-maAaAn! The whole song is so very 60s!

Orin's dad said...

It's no Luke Daab, I'll say that...

Anonymous said...

Ohh man, there is a painful amount of 60's in that two minutes...


Luke said...

This song sets the standard for all superhero songs. It is so rad.

Shellhead said...

Wow. Just . . . wow.