To date, the Aquaman Shrine's coverage of games (both video and card) has been pretty thin, mostly because I'm not a gamer, never really have been, so this stuff has just not been on my radar. But Injustice: Gods Among Us is too huge to ignore, and we want to give the game the exposure it deserves. And that's where you come in!
None of the Aquaman Shrine staff (myself, Joe Slab, Russell, and Andy) is equipped to play the game and report back on it, so we're offering an open invitation to any Aqua-Fan out there who wants to take on the task of covering Injustice: Gods Among Us for the Shrine. All you have to do is email the Shrine and let us know you'd like to do the job! We'll pick a small handful of gamers and go from there!
Thanks everyone!
(Photo courtesy McCarron)
I don't want to volunteer for the job. I'm not much of a gamer either. But I did think this battle between Aquaman and Cyborg was pretty cool!
I'm up for it! Not only do I have it on pre-order but I'm hardcore representing Aquaman. :) I'm on my phone atm but I'll try to send an email tomorrow. www.twitter.com/abatschelet22 is my twitter.
Out of all the video game characters in existence, Aquaman will always have the genre notoriety that comes with his award-winning/bestowing Golden Mullet.
I'm no decent game reviewer. But I will be recording and posting videos of Injustice on youtube. It shall be Aquaman packed indeed. Tutorials, Walkthroughs etc. http://www.youtube.com/user/DCUGamesUK?feature=mhee Small plug
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