What is an "Aquaman Stock Book"? Well, from what F.O.A.M. member extraordinaire Ray DeForest (who sent this in) has told me, it's a thick, tabbed b/w book that the Filmation animators used when they needed to drop a "stock" shot into the show. Doing so saved time and money when producing the episodes, because stock shots required no new animation.
The Filmmation shows were done on an extremely tight budget, and at times it seemed like some of their cartoons were made up of nothing but stock shots! As a kid of course I barely noticed such things. I find it amazing that an item like this is even still around, that it wasn't just tossed into the trash the minute the show was cancelled. Thanks to whoever saved it and thanks to Ray for sending in some scans!
Earth 2 Chris
Wow, this is neat. Filmation's endless use of the same stock animation over and over kept their toons slicker and more refined looking than say, Hanna Barbera's output, for the most part. BUT, as an adult watching these shows with my kids, it gets a bit tiresome after awhile.
Now that would be a cool book to page through. The one stock shot I remember well is the large school of various fish that would sweep across the screen. They used that sucker in nearly every episode.
Wow, this is neat. Filmation's endless use of the same stock animation over and over kept their toons slicker and more refined looking than say, Hanna Barbera's output, for the most part. BUT, as an adult watching these shows with my kids, it gets a bit tiresome after awhile.
Now that would be a cool book to page through.
The one stock shot I remember well is the large school of various fish that would sweep across the screen. They used that sucker in nearly every episode.
I am planning on scanning the entire book. It is very cool... i will send along when I do!
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