A few days ago a friend of mine (who I'll call DC for now) started up a blog devoted exclusively to the team, titled The Guardian Log. The Shrine has long said that every comics character deserves their own blog, and a team consisting of Star-Lord, Gamora, Rocket Racoon, and a sentient tree named Groot certainly meets that requirement--not to mention that the whole gang will be genuine Movie Stars in just a few years!
So go check out The Guardian Log, and tell 'em The Aquaman Shrine sent you! (And I hope you like the logo, because I designed it)
Nice logo.
Slightly intrigued by the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Haven't heard of Guardian Log before.
I have never heard of any of those characters! To me The Guardians are Martinex, Charlie 27, Yondu, and Vance Astro. ;-)
Nice logo, though!
I dont get the "DC" reference. Why would your friend be associated with DC if GOG are Marvel?
The person doing the blog has initials that just happen to be "DC"--no connection to the comics, altho I can see how it would be confusing. It didn't even occur to me!
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