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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Super Friends in Austin, Texas!

This super fun, super friendly (see what I did there?) cover to the 1/4/13 edition of The Austin Chronicle is by artist Jason Stout, featuring our heroes participating in presumably Austin-like activities (I say "presumably" because I don't live there, though at times I wish I did).

I'm not sure Aquaman would ever cook one of his lobster pals, and do so gleefully, but I don't think we can take any of this too seriously. Rather, let's just be impressed by Stout's spot-on parody of the original, classic Alex Toth illustration, and the fact that the paper published it in the first place! Having toiled in this field for over a decade, I can tell you how rare it is that this parody was executed so faithfully, from the DC Bullet to the Comics Code. Nicely done all around!

This piece was unashamedly stolen from F.O.A.M.er (and my pal) Max Romero's blog Great Ceasar's Post. Thanks Max!


Richard said...

Once you've seen Robin in a green tutu you can never ever unsee it.

Diabolu Frank said...


Earth 2 Chris said...

That is a lot of fun. Great stuff.


Designer Daddy said...

Also nice to see Aquaman not being the biggest butt of the joke. :)

Maxo said...

How did I miss this?! I'm glad you got as much of a kick out of this illustration as I did!