Not only is Aquaman front and center (rare), but we're getting to see the JLAers at play (even more rare), and Aquaman being among them (super rare)! Since the Sea King didn't really have a civilian identity, he almost never got to play in any JLA reindeer games. So this issue was extra special, and this splash page exemplified that.
Also, it may just be because as I'm writing this, it's Hoth-level cold, and a splash page featuring a bright sunny day really appeals to me even more than usual.
This is one of my favorites too. It always made so much sense to me as a kid/teen that these three would be good friends, with Arthur and Ralph being happily married almost their whole League time and Ray being engaged and married his whole time.
Yeah! This issue was special because it gave a prominent role to Aquaman and he wasn't used a lot, unfortunately, during Steve Engelhart's run, which to me ranks as one of the absolute best periods in JLA history.
I think this was during the time that the book was at the height of it's ¢60, giant-size, pre-Implosion popularity, and it featured a weird, ersatz Marvel crossover story, a kind of postscript to the "Celestial Madonna" saga.
It also happens to be the one issue during this period that sold out on the stands before I could get to it so I never owned it and have never read the story in total, just parts.
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