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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

DC Universe Super Heroes Lego Set

The Shrine covered the new Lego Aquaman a few months ago, but we're proud to say that the full set the little guy is part of is now available! In the new DC Universe Super Heroes kit, you get Batman, Mr. Freeze, Aquaman, the Bat-Boat, and a cool-ass ice chamber that Aquaman can bust out of! This is one cool Lego set!

The box also says it comes with a mini comic book. Have any of you Aqua-Fans picked this up yet, or plan to? The Shrine would really love to get a glimpse of that comic, we're sure it features lot of blocky Aquaman action!

One quibble: on Lego's page, the description of the set is this: "Speed to the rescue with white Arctic Batman in the Batboat and save Aquaman from the icy grip of Mr. Freeze, before he's frozen solid."

Aww, come on Lego, really? I think if I get this baby it'll be Aquaman who's doing the saving...


Wings1295 said...


Sphinx Magoo said...

Complain all you want rob. There's still no Lego Martian Manhunter... :(

Unknown said...

Is there a way the minifig can be purchases separately?

Orin's dad said...

We have this set rob!. Orin is 7 and a major Lego fan, so there was no way we were passing this one up. lol. If I can figure out how to work my scanner I'll get you scans of the comic either today or tomorrow.


r duncan said...


Unknown said...

Scans Sent

Andy Luckett said...

This is definitely an awesome Lego set, but no way Aquaman has a problem with a little ice or Mr. Freeze. He'd have it wrapped up before Batman arrived.

Andy Luckett said...

@Craig McClain: I've seen solo minifigs for sale on eBay and Amazon.com. I'm sure that will be the case with this set too, but I bet eBay will have them up first.

Michael Holloway said...

This is so sweet! Of course Aquaman would have pummelled Mr Freeze long before Batman got there!

The new Lego Batman DVD movie will be released in May, so here's hoping that Aquaman's Lego counterpart will be featured in that!

Cheers, Michael

Rev. O.J. Flow said...

Holy crap! I hadn't a clue about this! And in my Amazon shopping cart it is RIGHT NOW.