While I can't find fault with the final version, I have to say I really like the tight marker rough that was ultimately rejected; the one with Wonder Woman in the background. It looks as though Aquaman, as soon as he's done with Superman, Batman, and Cyborg, is about to get a magic lasso around the neck!
As always, we get to see these thanks to the generosity of Ivan Reis and F.O.A.M. member extraordinaire Ivan da Costa, who has much of this stuff in his personal collection. Thanks guys, and keep 'em coming!
It's a beautiful cover. My only minor gripe is it took me a bit to get that Arthur was knocking Supes around. It kind of looked like he was just flying away at first.
Oh I think its quite obvious Arthur is knocking Supes for a loop, making this one of the most BAMF Aquaman-centric JL covers ever!
Reis use of space and centering Aquaman on both 15 & 16 has just been the icing on the comic book cake for me.
Joe Slab
This is an awesome cover. And seeing the progression as it develops is just cool.
I love the chaotic, "melee" image that was used, but I also like the initial pencil roughs, where only Aquaman's trident is seen pointing at the rushing JL. It makes for a bit of anticipation to indicate a character's presence in the scene only by showing part of their primary weapon.
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