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Thursday, January 10, 2013

"All About The Amazing Aquaman" Part 2

A few years ago, then-new F.O.A.M. member Rick Luca, who is a second grade teacher, sent in pics of his classroom where Aquaman had a major presence.

The Sea King was used to help teach the kids about non-fiction writing, and according to Rick, the original post was quite a big hit with his students. So much so they suggested he send in some updated shots of Aquaman in action, which you can see above. The newest addition is at the uppermost top, where a six-foot Aquaman standee "delivers their morning work to them on special days." Outrageous!

I was thrilled to post Rick's original pics, and am just as thrilled to do so again. It does this Aquaman fan's heart good to see the Sea King used in such a heroic way, and Great Neptune do I wish I had a teacher like Rick back in the day!

Thanks Rick and students!


Sarah Park said...

Aquaman has really been an influence to kids. They simply love him.

Joseph Brian Scott said...

This is so neat! It warms the shallow seas of my heart.